Netbox Utils

Collection of functions for Salt-Nornir to interact with Netbox using Execution module nr.netbox function.

To be able to retrieve data from netbox need to define Netbox URL and API token parameters either under proxy minion pillar salt_nornir_netbox_pillar section or in salt-master’ ext pillar configuration. To be able to retrieve URL and toekn parameters from master need to set pillar_opts parameter to True in salt-master’s configuration.


salt_nornir.netbox_utils.cache_list(keys='*', params=None, __salt__=None, proxy_id=None, **kwargs)

Function to list cached data for hosts.

  • keys – (str, list) glob pattern(s) to match cache keys to list

  • params – dictionary with salt_nornir_netbox parameters

  • __salt__ – reference to __salt__ execution modules dictionary

  • kwargs – Fx filters to filter hosts to retrieve cache data for


dictionary with cached data details

salt_nornir.netbox_utils.cache_delete(keys=None, params=None, __salt__=None, proxy_id=None, **kwargs)

Function to delete cached data for hosts.

  • params – dictionary with salt_nornir_netbox parameters

  • __salt__ – reference to __salt__ execution modules dictionary

  • kwargs – Fx filters to filter hosts to retrieve cache data for

  • keys – (str, list) glob pattern(s) to match cache keys to delete


dictionary with deleted_keys list

salt_nornir.netbox_utils.nb_graphql(field: Optional[dict] = None, filters: Optional[dict] = None, fields: Optional[list] = None, params: Optional[dict] = None, queries: Optional[dict] = None, query_string: Optional[str] = None, raise_for_status: bool = False, __salt__=None, proxy_id=None)

Function to send query to Netbox GraphQL API and return results.

  • field – dictionary of queies or string, field to return data for e.g. device, interface, ip_address

  • filters – dictionary of key-value pairs to filter by

  • fields – list of data fields to return

  • params – dictionary with salt_nornir_netbox parameters

  • queries – dictionary keyed by GraphQL aliases with query data

  • query_string – string with GraphQL query

  • raise_for_status – raise exception if requests response is not ok

  • __salt__ – reference to __salt__ execution modules dictionary

salt_nornir.netbox_utils.nb_rest(method: str = 'get', api: str = '', __salt__=None, proxy_id=None, **kwargs) dict

Function to query Netbox REST API.

  • method – requests method name e.g. get, post, put etc.

  • api – api url to query e.g. “extras” or “dcim/interfaces” etc.

  • kwargs – any additional requests method’s arguments

  • __salt__ – reference to __salt__ execution modules dictionary

salt_nornir.netbox_utils.get_interfaces(add_ip=False, add_inventory_items=False, sync=False, params=None, __salt__=None, proxy_id=None, hosts=None, cache=True, cache_ttl=3600, **kwargs)

Function to retrieve device interfaces from Netbox using GraphQL API.

  • add_ip – if True, retrieves interface IPs

  • add_inventory_items – if True, retrieves interface inventory items

  • sync – if True, saves get interfaces results to host’s in-memory inventory data under interfaces key, if sync is a string, provided value used as a key.

  • __salt__ – reference to __salt__ execution modules dictionary

  • kwargs – Fx filters to filter hosts to retrieve interfaces for

  • hosts – list of hosts to retrieve interface for

  • cache – boolean indicating whether to cache Netbox response or string refresh to delete cached data, if set to False cached data ignored but not refreshed

  • cache_ttl – integer indicating cache time to live


dictionary keyed by device name with interface details


add_inventory_items only supported with Netbox 3.4 and above.


Either hosts or __salt__ with Fx filters should be provided, otherwise CommandExecutionError raised.

Starting with version 0.20.0 support added to cache data retrieved from Netbox on a per-device basis. For this functionality to work need to have diskcache library installed on salt-nornir proxy minion. Cache is persistent and stored on the minion’s local file system.

Sample data returned for interfaces when add_ip and add_inventory_items set to True:

{'fceos4': {'Port-Channel1': {'bridge': None,
                              'bridge_interfaces': [],
                              'child_interfaces': [],
                              'custom_fields': {},
                              'description': 'Main uplink interface',
                              'duplex': None,
                              'enabled': True,
                              'inventory_items': [],
                              'ip_addresses': [],
                              'last_updated': '2023-08-22T09:47:57.256446+00:00',
                              'mac_address': None,
                              'member_interfaces': [{'name': 'eth101'},
                                                    {'name': 'eth102'}],
                              'mode': None,
                              'mtu': None,
                              'parent': None,
                              'speed': None,
                              'tagged_vlans': [],
                              'tags': [],
                              'untagged_vlan': None,
                              'vrf': None,
                              'wwn': None},
                     'eth1': {'bridge': None,
                              'bridge_interfaces': [],
                              'child_interfaces': [{'name': 'eth1.11'}],
                              'custom_fields': {},
                              'description': 'Interface 1 description',
                              'duplex': None,
                              'enabled': True,
                              'ip_addresses': [{'address': '',
                                                'custom_fields': {},
                                                'description': '',
                                                'dns_name': '',
                                                'last_updated': '2023-08-22T09:48:03.287649+00:00',
                                                'role': None,
                                                'status': 'ACTIVE',
                                                'tags': [],
                                                'tenant': None},
                                               {'address': '',
                                                'custom_fields': {},
                                                'description': '',
                                                'dns_name': '',
                                                'last_updated': '2023-08-22T09:48:01.692965+00:00',
                                                'role': None,
                                                'status': 'ACTIVE',
                                                'tags': [],
                                                'tenant': None}],
                              'inventory_items': [{'asset_tag': None,
                                                   'custom_fields': {},
                                                   'description': '',
                                                   'label': '',
                                                   'manufacturer': None,
                                                   'name': 'SFP-1G-T',
                                                   'part_id': '',
                                                   'role': {'name': 'Transceiver'},
                                                   'serial': '',
                                                   'tags': []}],
                              'ip_addresses': [],
                              'last_updated': '2023-08-22T09:47:57.809307+00:00',
                              'mac_address': None,
                              'member_interfaces': [],
                              'mode': 'TAGGED',
                              'mtu': 1500,
                              'parent': None,
                              'speed': None,
                              'tagged_vlans': [],
                              'tags': [],
                              'untagged_vlan': None,
                              'vrf': None,
                              'wwn': None},
                'loopback0': {'bridge': None,
                              'bridge_interfaces': [],
                              'child_interfaces': [],
                              'custom_fields': {},
                              'description': '',
                              'duplex': None,
                              'enabled': True,
                              'inventory_items': [],
                              'ip_addresses': [{'address': '',
                                                'custom_fields': {},
                                                'description': '',
                                                'dns_name': '',
                                                'last_updated': '2023-08-22T09:48:00.728097+00:00',
                                                'role': None,
                                                'status': 'ACTIVE',
                                                'tags': [],
                                                'tenant': None}],
                              'last_updated': '2023-08-22T09:47:57.148611+00:00',
                              'mac_address': None,
                              'member_interfaces': [],
                              'mode': None,
                              'mtu': None,
                              'parent': None,
                              'speed': None,
                              'tagged_vlans': [],
                              'tags': [],
                              'untagged_vlan': None,
                              'vrf': None,
                                   'wwn': None}}}}
salt_nornir.netbox_utils.get_connections(params: Optional[dict] = None, sync=False, __salt__=None, proxy_id=None, hosts=None, cache=True, cache_ttl=3600, **kwargs) dict

Function to retrieve connections details from Netbox for interface and console ports.

  • params – dictionary with salt_nornir_netbox parameters

  • sync – if True, saves get connections results to host’s in-memory inventory data under connections key, if sync is a string, provided value used as a key.

  • __salt__ – reference to __salt__ execution modules dictionary

  • hosts – list of hosts to get connections for

  • cache – boolean indicating whether to cache Netbox response or string refresh to delete cached data, if set to False cached data ignored but not refreshed

  • cache_ttl – integer indicating cache time to live

  • kwargs – Fx filters to filter hosts to retrieve connections for


dictionary keyed by device name with connections details


Get connections only supported for Netbox of 3.4 and above.


Either hosts or __salt__ with Fx filters should be provided, otherwise CommandExecutionError raised.

Get connections returns a dictionary keyed by device name with value being a dictionary keyed by device interface names.

Sample return data:

{'fceos4': {'ConsolePort1': {'breakout': False,
                             'cable': {'custom_fields': {},
                                       'label': '',
                                       'length': None,
                                       'length_unit': None,
                                       'peer_device': 'fceos5',
                                       'peer_interface': 'ConsoleServerPort1',
                                       'peer_termination_type': 'consoleserverport',
                                       'status': 'CONNECTED',
                                       'tags': [],
                                       'tenant': {'name': 'SALTNORNIR'},
                                       'type': 'CAT6A'},
                             'remote_device': 'fceos5',
                             'remote_interface': 'ConsoleServerPort1',
                             'remote_termination_type': 'consoleserverport',
                             'termination_type': 'consoleport'},
            'eth1': {'breakout': True,
                     'cable': {'custom_fields': {},
                               'label': '',
                               'length': None,
                               'length_unit': None,
                               'peer_device': 'fceos5',
                               'peer_interface': ['eth1', 'eth10'],
                               'peer_termination_type': 'interface',
                               'status': 'CONNECTED',
                               'tags': [],
                               'tenant': {'name': 'SALTNORNIR'},
                               'type': 'CAT6A'},
                     'remote_device': 'fceos5',
                     'remote_interface': ['eth1', 'eth10'],
                     'remote_termination_type': 'interface',
                     'termination_type': 'interface'},
            'eth101': {'breakout': False,
                       'cable': {'custom_fields': {},
                                 'label': '',
                                 'length': None,
                                 'length_unit': None,
                                 'peer_termination_type': 'circuittermination',
                                 'status': 'CONNECTED',
                                 'tags': [],
                                 'tenant': None,
                                 'type': 'SMF'},
                       'circuit': {'cid': 'CID1',
                                   'commit_rate': None,
                                   'custom_fields': {},
                                   'description': '',
                                   'provider': {'name': 'Provider1'},
                                   'status': 'ACTIVE',
                                   'tags': []},
                       'remote_device': 'fceos5',
                       'remote_interface': 'eth8',
                       'remote_termination_type': 'interface',
                       'termination_type': 'interface'},
            'eth3': {'breakout': False,
                     'cable': {'custom_fields': {},
                               'label': '',
                               'length': None,
                               'length_unit': None,
                               'peer_device': 'fceos5',
                               'peer_interface': 'eth3',
                               'peer_termination_type': 'interface',
                               'status': 'CONNECTED',
                               'tags': [],
                               'tenant': {'name': 'SALTNORNIR'},
                               'type': 'CAT6A'},
                     'remote_device': 'fceos5',
                     'remote_interface': 'eth3',
                     'remote_termination_type': 'interface',
                     'termination_type': 'interface'},
            'eth7': {'breakout': False,
                     'cable': {'custom_fields': {},
                               'label': '',
                               'length': None,
                               'length_unit': None,
                               'peer_device': 'PatchPanel-1',
                               'peer_interface': 'FrontPort1',
                               'peer_termination_type': 'frontport',
                               'status': 'CONNECTED',
                               'tags': [],
                               'tenant': {'name': 'SALTNORNIR'},
                               'type': 'SMF'},
                     'remote_device': 'fceos5',
                     'remote_interface': 'eth7',
                     'remote_termination_type': 'interface',
                     'termination_type': 'interface'}}}}


  • ConsolePort1 is a direct cable between devices

  • eth101 has circuit connected to it

  • eth1 is a direct between devices breakout cable

  • eth3 is a direct between devices normal (non-breakout) cable

  • eth7 connected to another device through patch panels

salt_nornir.netbox_utils.get_circuits(params=None, sync=False, __salt__=None, proxy_id=None, hosts=None, cache=True, cache_ttl=3600, get_interface_details=True, **kwargs) dict

Function to retrieve circuits details from Netbox

  • params – dictionary with salt_nornir_netbox parameters

  • sync – if True, saves get circuits results to host’s in-memory inventory data under circuits key, if sync is a string, provided value used as a key.

  • __salt__ – reference to __salt__ execution modules dictionary

  • hosts – list of hosts to get circuits for

  • cache – boolean indicating whether to cache Netbox response or string refresh to delete cached data, if set to False cached data ignored but not refreshed

  • cache_ttl – integer indicating cache time to live

  • kwargs – Fx filters to filter hosts to retrieve circuits for

  • get_interface_details – boolen, indicating if need to retrieve interface details, inventory items and IP addresses


dictionary keyed by device name with circuits details

Circuits data retrived for a set of hosts first by queriyng netbox for a list of sites where hosts belongs to, next all circuits for given sites retrived from Netbox using GraphQL API, after that for each circuit one of the terminations path traced using REST API endpoint - /api/circuits/circuit-terminations/{id}/paths/. Once full path for the circuit retrived interface and device details extracted from path data for each end and stored in circuits data.

When get_interface_details set to True interface details retrieved from Netbox using get_interfaces function together with inventory items, child interfaces and IP addresses. For each IP address peer_ip calculated and added to IP data if subnet is one of prefix length - /30, /31, /127, /126, /120 by calculating second IP value.

When circuit connects to provider network, no interface, instead of remote_device and remote_interface keys, circuit contains provider_network key with value referring to provider network name.

Sample circuits data with get_interface_details set to True:

{'CID2': {'comments': 'some comments',
          'commit_rate': 10000,
          'custom_fields': {},
          'description': 'some description',
          'interface': {'bridge': None,
                        'bridge_interfaces': [],
                        'custom_fields': {},
                        'description': '',
                        'duplex': None,
                        'enabled': True,
                        'inventory_items': [],
                        'ip_addresses': [{'address': '',
                                          'custom_fields': {},
                                          'description': '',
                                          'dns_name': '',
                                          'last_updated': '2023-08-06T01:15:09.847777+00:00',
                                          'peer_ip': '',
                                          'role': None,
                                          'status': 'ACTIVE',
                                          'tags': [],
                                          'tenant': None}],
                        'last_updated': '2023-08-06T01:15:09.790266+00:00',
                        'mac_address': None,
                        'member_interfaces': [],
                        'mode': None,
                        'mtu': None,
                        'name': 'eth11',
                        'parent': None,
                        'speed': None,
                        'tagged_vlans': [],
                        'tags': [],
                        'untagged_vlan': None,
                        'vrf': 'OOB_CTRL',
                        'wwn': None},
          'is_active': True,
          'provider': 'Provider1',
          'provider_account': '',
          'remote_device': 'fceos5',
          'remote_interface': 'eth11',
          'status': 'ACTIVE',
          'subinterfaces': {'eth11.123': {'bridge': None,
                                          'bridge_interfaces': [],
                                          'child_interfaces': [{'name': 'eth123.123'}],
                                          'custom_fields': {},
                                          'description': '',
                                          'duplex': None,
                                          'enabled': True,
                                          'inventory_items': [],
                                          'ip_addresses': [{'address': '',
                                                            'custom_fields': {},
                                                            'description': '',
                                                            'dns_name': '',
                                                            'last_updated': '2023-08-06T01:15:09.227279+00:00',
                                                            'peer_ip': '',
                                                            'role': None,
                                                            'status': 'ACTIVE',
                                                            'tags': [],
                                                            'tenant': None}],
                                          'last_updated': '2023-08-06T01:15:09.175047+00:00',
                                          'mac_address': None,
                                          'member_interfaces': [],
                                          'mode': None,
                                          'mtu': None,
                                          'parent': {'name': 'eth11'},
                                          'speed': None,
                                          'tagged_vlans': [],
                                          'tags': [],
                                          'untagged_vlan': None,
                                          'vrf': 'MGMT',
                                          'wwn': None}},
          'tags': ['ACCESS'],
          'tenant': None,
          'type': 'DarkFibre'},
salt_nornir.netbox_utils.parse_config(__salt__=None, proxy_id=None, **kwargs)

Function to return results of devices configuration parsing produced by TTP Templates for Netbox.

  • __salt__ – reference to __salt__ execution modules dictionary

  • kwargs – dictionary of Fx filters

salt_nornir.netbox_utils.update_config_context(__salt__=None, proxy_id=None, **kwargs)

Function to populate device configuration context with parsed results.


__salt__ – reference to __salt__ execution modules dictionary

salt_nornir.netbox_utils.update_vrf(__salt__=None, proxy_id=None, **kwargs)

Function to create or update VRFs and Route-Targets in Netbox.

This function creates or updates:

  • VRFs with their names and description (if present in confiugration)

  • Route-Targets values

  • Reference to import and export RT for VRFs


__salt__ – reference to __salt__ execution modules dictionary