
SaltStack Nornir Proxy Minion tested only for Linux, it is never tested with and unlikely will work on Windows. It is recommended to use Red Hat/CentOS or Ubuntu Linux distributions.

Python 2 is not supported, recommended version is Python 3.6 and higher.

Install from PyPi:

pip install salt-nornir[prodmin]

Or explicitly specifying Python version:

python3 -m pip install salt-nornir[prodmin]

Or install GIT and install latest code from master brunch:

python3 -m pip install git+

Salt-Nornir Minion need to be installed on proxy minion machine.

For installation of SaltStack master and minion/proxy-minion modules refer to official documentation.


Python 3.6 support deprecated starting with version 0.12.0

Installation extras

Salt-Nornir comes with these installation extras.

Salt-Nornir extras packages




Installs libraries required for development e.g. pytest, black, pre-commit etc.


Production ready minimum set. Installs Netmiko, Ncclient and requests libraries to provide support for managing devices over SSH, NETCONF and RESTCONF. In addition, installs libraries to extended Salt-Nornir functionality such as Tabulate, Rich, TTP etc. All libraries have versions fixed to produce tested and working environment.


Production ready maximum set. Installs all prodmin libraries together with additional modules required to support complete Salt-Nornir feature set such as PyGNMI, PyATS, Scrapli, NAPALM etc. All libraries have versions fixed to produce tested and working environment.


Installs these libraries: netmiko, nornir-netmiko


Installs these libraries: napalm, nornir-napalm


Installs these libraries: scrapli, scrapli-community


Installs these libraries: genie, pyats


Installs these libraries: ncclient, scrapli-netconf


Installs these libraries: pygnmi


Installs these libraries: requests


Installs these libraries: cerberus, jmespath, ntc-templates, pyyaml, tabulate, ttp, ttp-templates, xmltodict, lxml

To install Salt-Nornir only, without any additional plugins:

pip install salt-nornir

To install minimum production set:

pip install salt-nornir[prodmin]

To install maximum production set:

pip install salt-nornir[prodmax]

SaltStack versions tested

Nornir Proxy minion was tested and confirmed working with these versions of SaltStack:

  • salt 3005 - Salt-Nornir 0.15.x, 0.16.x, 0.17.x

  • salt 3004 - Salt-Nornir 0.15.x, 0.14.x, 0.13.x, 0.12.x

  • salt 3003 - Salt-Nornir 0.11.x

  • salt 3002 - Salt-Nornir 0.9.x

Other SaltStack versions might work too, but not tested.

Nornir Salt Dependency

Salt-Nornir and Nornir-Salt uses SemVer approach for version numbering following this naming convention <major number>.<minor number>.<maintenance number> for example 0.11.1, 1.2.3 etc.

Main dependency for Salt-Nornir is nornir-salt package, it must be of the same major and minor versions as salt-nornir package itself. For example, compatible Salt-Nornir and Nornir-Salt versions are 0.11.*, on the other hand Salt-Nornir of version 0.11.0 is not compatible with Nornir-Salt 0.8.0.

Upgrade Procedure

Uninstall existing packages:

python3 -m pip uninstall nornir-salt salt-nornir

Install updated packages:

python3 -m pip install nornir-salt salt-nornir --upgrade

Optionally, upgrade sets of extras libraries:

python3 -m pip install salt-nornir[extras-name-here] –upgrade

Restart your proxy minions to pick up updated version.

Optionally run to verify software versions after Proxy Minions Started:

salt nrp1 nr.nornir version

Common installation issues

Issues mainly arise around installing all required dependencies. General rule of thumb - try Googling errors you getting or search StackOverflow.

1 PyYAML dependency - if getting error while doing pip install salt-nornir:

ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'PyYAML'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately
determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.


python3 -m pip install salt-nornir --ignore-installed

2 setuptools dependency - if getting error while doing pip install salt-nornir:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools_rust'


python3 -m pip install -U pip setuptools

Using docker containers

Refer to Salt Nornir Docker Repository on how to setup SaltStack Master and Nornir Proxy Minion using docker containers.